Videos about micfil ultra fine filters
Find out more about the benefits and advantages of using micfil ultra fine filters by watching our videos.
Find out more about the benefits and advantages of using micfil ultra fine filters by watching our videos.
Information video about the positive effects of micfil ultra fine filters on the environment.
The video is in english.
Presentation video of micfil.
We are represented at various trade fairs all over the world.
Article about micfil Filter in the french television format “Le 60 Seconds”.
The video is in French.
Information videos.
The videos are in French.
Presentation of micfil ultra fine filters.
The video is in Indonesian.
Demonstration of micfil ultra fine filter systems with diesel contaminated with laser toner dust.
After the installation of micfil ultra fine filters on a Cat dumper the exhaust gases are much cleaner.
Spontaneous filtration test of highly contaminated diesel at the construction site. Filtration is done using a micfil AL 150 ultra fine filter.
Filtration test of diesel contaminated with printer powder. Filtration is done using a micfil AL300 ultra fine filter.
Filtration test of diesel heavily contaminated with water and particles. Filtration is done using a micfil AL150 ultra fine filter and water separator WS200.
Filtering of polluted and water-contaminated diesel. Filtering with micfil AL 50 Mini and water separator WS 200.
Diesel mixed with water, sand, rust and oil.
Execution of the Reichert abrasion test with oil, filtered with micfil ultra fine filters.
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