Greentech Biofuels (Biodiesel Plants)

micfil ultra fine filter system for biodiesel


Greentech Biofuels endeavours to be recognised locally as the leading manufacturer of exceptional quality biodiesel in the hearts of consumers while saving them money and satisfying their need for sustainability. The business takes pride in service excellence and has an obsession with quality and innovation to meet the changing needs of the market.

With regards to the changing needs of the market, motor vehicle manufacturers have been advancing the fuel injection systems of modern vehicles in an attempt to reduce emissions. As a result, modern fuel injection systems require a higher standard of fuel free from particulate and foreign materials.

In order to ensure the suitability of Greentech Biofuels biodiesel for use in all vehicles the business has installed a micfil filtration system comprising of two aluminium 150 micfil filters. Prior to installation a sample of biodiesel was drawn from the filtration system that was in place at the time. After installation of the micfil filtration system another sample was drawn. Both samples were drawn from the same homogenous batch of biodiesel.

The test results indicated that only the sample of biodiesel taken from the micfil filtration system met the SANS 1935:2004 specifications as per the tests conducted by Wear Check, please see Appendix A (micfil) and B (non-micfil) for further information. The SANS 1935:2004 are the South African National Standards for biodiesel and are in line with American and European standards. The micfil filtration system was extremely effective in improving the water content and total contamination values of the test samples.


Hayden Hill, Managing member